YDS, derse düzenli katılımı ve disiplinli çalışmayı gerektiren bir sınavdır. Bu sınava hazırlanan herkes değerli zamanından kesinti yaparak belki de daha önce pek aşina olmadığı bir dilde hem de advanced (ileri) düzeyde bir sınava girmektedirler. Bu nedenle disiplini elden bırakmamak, sorumluluğumuzun ne olduğunu bilmek ve düzenli çalışmaya yeterince vakit ayırmak gereklidir. Ayrıca derslere düzenli katılım olmaksızın kaybedilen konuların ve soru çözümlerinin telafisi neredeyse imkansızdır. Kişinin kaçırdığı bir dersi kendi başına telafi etme olasılığını düşünmekten ziyade dersleri mümkün olduğunca kaçırmamak, bu sınava hazırlanırken uymamız gereken temel kurallardan birisidir.

Günlük en az 2 saat çalışma yapmak

YDS’ye hazırlanma süreci bir çok insan için bıkkınlık verici bir süreç olsa da gelecekte kazandıracakları bizler için daha çok ön plana çıkmaktadır ve bu sürece uyum sağlamak zorundayız.
Belki çalışmanızın ilk başlarında olmasa da birkaç hafta sonrasından itibaren günlük en az 2 saat
çalışılmalıdır. Bu süre YDS yaklaşırken ortalama 3-4 saate olmalıdır.

Kelime öğrenmek için bol okuma yapmak ve düzenli bir kelime defteri tutmak

İngilizce öğreniminde hemen hemen herkesin yakındığı ortak noktadır kelime öğrenimi. Şunu unutmamak gerekir: her bireyin öğrenim yöntemi farklıdır ve kişinin bu farklılığı yakalayıp bunun üzerine yoğunlaşması gerekir. Eş anlamlı kelime öğrenme, okuma yaparak kelime öğrenme, ezberleyerek kelime öğrenme, yazarak veya kelime kartlarıyla kelime öğrenme, vs. Bunlar arasında en kalıcı olarak eş anlamlı kelimelerle ve okuma yaparak kelime öğrenme ön plana çıkmaktadır. Çünkü sürekli görerek ve kullanarak öğrenme diğer yöntemlerden daha kalıcıdır. Bol okuma yapılması, güncel gazete ve dergilerin düzenli olarak takip edilmesi ve çıkmış paragraf sorularının çözülmesi bizlere oldukça faydalı olacaktır. Ayrıca düzenli bir kelime defterinin tutulması (küçük bir not defteri ya da ajanda gibi) da öğrendiğimiz kelimelerin sürekli elimizin altında olmasını sağlayacaktır. Kelime defteri tutarken, kelimenin anlamı, eş anlamlısı ve mümkünse o kelimenin geçtiği cümle (veya sözlükten bulunacak bir cümle) deftere yazılmalıdır. 

Dilbilgisi konularını düzenli olarak kurs sonuna kadar tekrar etmek

Dilbilgisi konuları çoğu kişi tarafından pek önemsenmese de ve sadece okuma ağırlıklı çalışılması gerektiğine inanılsa da, aslında bu doğru değildir. Doğru olan şudur: ÖSYM artık okuma ve anlama sorularına daha çok ağırlık vermektedir. Ancak gramer bilgisi olmadan okuduğumuzu net ve düzgün bir şekilde anlayamayacağımızı unutmayalım. Bu nedenle çalışmanızın çok önemli bir bölümünü kapsamak zorunda olmasa da, çalışma döneminin sonuna kadar dilbilgisi konularını ara ara tekrar etmek ve bu konulardan düzenli soru çözmek gerekir.

Her gün en az 1 makale okumak

Belki de en az 2 makale dense yeridir diyebileceğimiz bir konu haline geldi okuma yapmak. Farklı konularla karşılaşmak hem kelime bilgimizi arttıracaktır hem de o tür konulara daha aşina olmamızı sağlayacaktır. Bazen hiç anlamadan sadece okumak da işe yaramaktadır. Bu teknik, kelime türlerini ve gramer yapılarını görmek, edatlı kelime yapılarına aşina olmak, bilinmeyen bir kelimenin anlamını çıkarım yapmak gibi konularda bizlere oldukça yardımcı olacaktır. YDS’ye yeni hazırlanan bir kişi ilk başlarda okuduğunu anlamakta zorlansa da bıkmadan ve sabırla çalışıldığı takdirde kısa zaman içerisinde karşılığını görmeye başlayacaktır. Eğer makale okumanın eğlence veren kısmı keşfedilirse okuma hızımız da artacaktır ve bıkkınlıktan uzaklaşmamızı sağlayacaktır.

Çeviri yapmak 

Çeviri yapmak da ayrı bir zevk işidir ve çeviri yapmanın sonucunda edindiğimiz anlama keyfi bizi YDS’ye çalışırken daha çok motive edecektir. Çeviri yaparken belki de yüzde yüz çeviriye gerek duyulmasa da yine de kendimizi zorlayıp maksimum düzeyde anlamaya gayret göstermeliyiz.

Her konuyla ilgili bol bol soru çözmek

Dilbilgisi yapıları anlaşıldıktan ve soru türlerine aşina olduktan sonra bol bol soru çözülmesi gerekir. Tek bir konu ya da soru türüyle ilgili soruları tek bir oturuşta çözmek yerine zamana yayarak farklı soru türleri çözmek daha etkilidir. Bu nedenle kitabımızdaki özgün ve çıkmış soruların yanı sıra iyi bir soru bankası kaynağı edinmek gerekir.

Çıkmış sorular çözmek

YDS için bir deyim vardır: en iyi soru çıkmış sorudur. ÖSYM’nin sorduğu soruların iyi analiz edilmesi, ne tarz soruların geldiğini az çok tahmin etmenizi sağlar. Özellikle 2010 yılı ve sonrası soruları detaylı bir şekilde çözmek ve aklımızda herhangi bir şüphe kalmayacak şekilde anlamak gerekir.

Deneme sınavları çözmek

YDS’ye girmeden önce mutlaka en az 10 adet deneme sınavı çözülmesi gerekir. Gerekli bilgi birikimi yapıldıktan sonra sınava son bir ay kala artık deneme sınavlarına başlanması gerekir.

Aşırı kaynaktan kaçınmak

Ve son olarak, çok fazla kaynak kullanmaktansa minimum miktarda kaynaktan maksimum yararlanmamız gerekir. Elimizdeki “YDS Gramer, YDS Soru Tipleri” ve “YDS Kelime Çalışması” kitaplarına ek olarak özgün bir veya iki soru bankası kitabı ve okuma kaynağı bizler için yeterli olacaktır.

Selçuk Bayraktar (BAYKAR) İngilizce Biyografisi

Selçuk Bayraktar İngilizce Hayatı

Selçuk Bayraktar was born in 1979 in Sarıyer district of Istanbul. He completed his primary education in Sarıyer Primary School and graduated from Robert College in 1997. Between 1997-2002, he continued his undergraduate education in ITU Electronics and Communication Engineering Department. During his university education, he received an internship acceptance from the GRASP laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania. He continued his graduate education at Upenn in the Department of Electrical Engineering between 2002-2004, with the scholarship he received as part of his internship. Within the scope of his research, he carried out scientific publications on formation flight experiments of UAVs, coordination of air-ground robot teams, flight control and guidance systems for the first time in the world.

After completing his master's degree, he received a graduate-doctorate offer from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) with a scholarship due to the outstanding achievements he showed during his studies. During his training at MIT, he conducted studies in the field of automatic flight control algorithms that would provide aggressive maneuvering to Unmanned Helicopter Systems. In 2006, he received his second master's degree from MIT Aerospace Engineering.

He continued his doctoral studies at Georgia Tech after his mentor was transferred to Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech). In Baykur site in 2003 he began to support the development of national and leaving half the original unmanned aerial vehicle technology activities for the purpose of doctoral studies he returned to Turkey in 2007.

Since 2007, he has been working as the Technical Manager (CTO) at Baykar. Avionic system architecture, flight control, development of navigation algorithms, system kinematics and dynamics, electronic hardware and embedded software development etc. works on subjects.

Selcuk Bayraktar, Turkey is the founder of the Foundation for Technology Team (T3 Foundation) technology and talented young people from all age groups are working to ensure its participation in the development process. T3 Foundation carries out activities to realize and support initiatives, research and development and projects for products, systems and components that have strategic importance and are prioritized to be produced nationally and originally in accordance with global competition conditions. Bayraktar leads the scientific studies of the foundation as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees in order to realize the vision of our country's National Technology Move. In addition, it organizes TEKNOFEST, which is the first and only aviation and space festival of our country, with its team and stakeholder institutions in order to spread the passion for Aviation and Space, which is very critical for the National Technology Move, to the whole society. Bayraktar, who married Sümeyye Erdoğan Bayraktar in 2016, is the father of one child. It has a private pilot license.

Bayraktar, started in December 2019 and executed in Turkey has also played an active role in the mobilization against the influence of felt-19 Covidien epidemic. BAYKAR technical manager Selçuk Bayraktar, who announced that they will provide technical support to the breathing apparatus to be produced with domestic and national means, with the video he published on his Twitter account on March 22, 2020, and also announced that they will donate 250 of this product. Following the two-week development process carried out by Arçelik, ASELSAN, BAYKAR Defense and BIOSYS, the first 100 of the 5000 respirators planned to be produced were delivered at the opening of Başakşehir City Hospital on 20 April 2020.

Aziz Sancar İngilizce Biyografisi

Aziz Sancar  İngilizce Hayatı

Aziz Sancar was born in 1946 in Savur district of Mardin. He completed his primary and secondary education in Savur and Mardin. Afterwards, he studied at Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine. 

After working as a doctor for two years in Savur, he did his doctorate at the University of Texas in Molecular Biology, on DNA repair. He completed his associate professorship in DNA repair at Yale University.

In 1982 he worked in the fields of Biochemistry and Biophysics at UNC Chapel Hill. Here he worked on DNA repair, cell sequencing, cancer treatment, and biological clock. He has published 288 articles and 33 books.

Since 1997, He has been Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA. He is recognized as the first American Turkish elected to the US National Academy of Sciences.

He won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his research mapping how cells repair damaged DNA and preserve their genetic information.

He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Turkish Academy of Sciences in the USA. He received an award in 2007 at the Vehbi Koç Foundation. He lives with his wife, Gwen Sancar, in Chapel Hill. Aziz and Gwen Sancar are among the founders of the Turkish House in Carolina.

The "excinuclease / excision nuclease" enzyme terms, which Aziz Sancar invented and named with the "maxicell" technique developed and named after him, entered the Oxford Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dictionary.

Cemal Süreya İngilizce Biyografisi

Cemal Süreya'nın İngilizce Hayatı

Cemal Süreya, whose real name was Cemalettin Seber, was born in Erzincan in 1931. His father is Hüseyin Seber and his mother is Gülbeyaz Seber. At the age of 6, he left Erzincan with his family and moved to Bilecik. He started primary school in Bilecik and continued in Istanbul. He completed his high school education at Haydarpaşa High School. He completed his higher education at Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences.

After graduating from university, he worked in the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Culture, the Middle East Economy Bank and the Turkish Language Association.

Cemal Süreya, who lost his mother at a young age, says the following about his orientation to literature: "Maybe there are many reasons that lead me to literature. But if I look for a sharp reason, I can say that I found it in my mother."

Cemal Süreya's passion for reading began in his childhood. He describes those days as follows: "We could not find every book in our childhood. I read whatever I could do for this. We would even find paper bags and newspapers on the street, we would read if there was a novel in it."

Dostoevsky had a significant impact on his writing career: "I have a second date of birth in relation to literature: 1943. I read Dostoveysky and I have no peace of mind after that." Cemal Süreya published his poems and articles in various magazines and newspapers. He passed away in 1990.

Kemal Sunal'ın İngilizce Biyografisi

Kemal Sunal was born in Istanbul on 11 November 1944. His father's name is Mustafa Sunal and his mother is Saime Sunal. Kemal Sunal also has two siblings named Cemal and Cengiz. Kemal Sunal, who starred in 82 films throughout his life, went to primary school at Mimar Sinan Primary School. 

Kemal Sunal who graduated from Vefa High School, continued his higher education in the Journalism Department of Marmara University. The turning point of Kemal Sunal's life was Belkıs Balkır, a philosophy teacher at Vefa High School, introducing the artist to Müşfik Kenter.

Taking advantage of the student amnesty issued in 1992, Kemal Sunal graduated from Marmara University, Faculty of Communication, Department of Radio and Television in 1995. The famous comedian, who graduated from Marmara University Faculty of Communication in the 1994-1995 academic year, received his diploma from his friend Uğur Dündar from Vefa High School.

After completing his military service in 1964, he started to perform as an amateur in the theater play "Zoraki Tabip" at Vefa High School. After taking the stage professionally at Kenterler Theater, he worked in Ulvi Uraz Theater, Ayfer Feray Theater and Ostrich Cabaret Theater respectively. When he was liked by Ertem Eğilmez, who watched him at the Ostrich Cabaret Theater, he was transferred to the screen in 1973 as a basketball player in the movie Tatlı Dillim, directed by Ertem Eğilmez, and his life changed.

Kemal Sunal has appeared in a total of 82 films throughout his life. Sunal, who is known to have a phobia of airplanes and never boarded a plane before in his life, died as a result of a heart attack just before takeoff on the plane he boarded to Trabzon for the shooting of the movie Balalayka on 3 July 2000. 

The movies he played:

Abuk Sabuk Bir Film
Atla Gel Şaban
Avanak Apti

Bekçiler Kralı
Boynu Bükük Küheylan

Canım Kardeşim

Çarıklı Milyoner
Çöpçüler Kralı

Davacı (film)
Deli Deli Küpeli
Devlet Kuşu (film)
Doktor Civanım
Dokunmayın Şabanıma
Düttürü Dünya

En Büyük Şaban

Garip (film)
Gerzek Şaban
Gol Kralı (film)
Gurbetçi Şaban
Gülen Adam
Güllü Geliyor Güllü

Hababam Sınıfı (film)
Hababam Sınıfı Sınıfta Kaldı (film)
Hababam Sınıfı Tatilde
Hababam Sınıfı Uyanıyor (film)
Hasret (film)

İbo ile Güllüşah
İnek Şaban (film)
İyi Aile Çocuğu

Japon İşi

Kanlı Nigâr (film, 1981)
Kapıcılar Kralı
Katma Değer Şaban
Kibar Feyzo
Kiracı (film)
Koltuk Belası
Korkusuz Korkak
Köyden İndim Şehire
Köşeyi Dönen Adam

Mavi Boncuk (film, 1974)
Meraklı Köfteci

Oh Olsun (film)
Ortadirek Şaban

Öğretmen (film)

Polizei (film)
Postacı (film)
Propaganda (film)

Sahte Kabadayı
Sakar Şakir
Salak Milyoner
Sevimli Hırsız
Sosyete Şaban
Sürgün (film, 1992)
Süt Kardeşler

Şaban Oğlu Şaban
Şaban Pabucu Yarım
Şark Bülbülü
Şaşkın Damat
Şendul Şaban

Talih Kuşu (film, 1989)
T (devam)
Tarzan Rıfkı
Tatlı Dillim
Tosun Paşa (film, 1976)

Umudumuz Şaban
Uyanık Gazeteci

Üç Kağıtçı (film)


Yalancı Yarim (film)
Yedi Bela Hüsnü
Yoksul (film, 1986)
Yüz Numaralı Adam

Zehir Hafiye
Zübük (film)

St. Paul's Cathedral Presentation

Sir Christopher Wren (1632–1723) is principally known as the architect of St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, built to replace the earlier Gothic cathedral. Externally there are two storeys of the Corinthian order, the upper storey being merely a screen to hide the clearstory and its buttresses. The dominant feature of the design is the dome over the central area.

It consists of an inner shell, reaching a height of 216 feet, above which rises the exterior dome of wood, surmounted by a stone lantern, the summit of which is 360 feet from the pavement. This exterior dome, springing from a high drum surrounded by a magnificent peristyle, gives to the otherwise commonplace exterior of the cathedral a prominent majesty of effect. Next to the dome the most successful part of the design is the west front, with its two-storey porch and fl anking bell-turrets.

Internally the excessive relative length, especially that of the choir, decreases the effect of the dome, and the poverty of detail gives the whole a somewhat bare aspect. It is intended to relieve this ultimately by a systematic use of mosaic decoration, especially in the dome. The central area itself is a noble design, occupying the whole width of the three aisles and producing a striking effect of amplitude and splendour.

The dome above it is constructively interesting from the employment of a cone of brick masonry to support the stone lantern which rises above the exterior wooden shell. The lower part of the cone forms the drum of the inner dome, its contraction upward being intended to produce a perspective illusion of increased height. St. Paul’s ranks among the fi ve or six greatest domical buildings of Europe, and is the most imposing edifice in England.

Hellenic Period of Greek Architecture

The general architectural character of the early works of the Hellenic period is heavy and severe, and the in fluence of the Mycenaean period is apparent; but a gradual change towards re finement and beauty took place, and in the later periods the proportions of the columns were more slender, and the mouldings more refined.

Unity of effect in the larger temples was obtained by the colonnade surrounding the shrine cell, forming a contrast with the number of courts, halls, and chambers, decreasing in size from the entrance pylons, comprised in a typical Egyptian temple. Greek buildings have the qualities of harmony, simplicity and unity, because of the excellence of their proportions, their truthful and apparent construction, and the employment of one constructive principle. Many refinements in design were used in the best period of Greek art, in order to correct optical illusions and especially in the Parthenon.

The long lines of the architrave, stylobate, pediments and other features, which, if built straight in reality, would appear to sag or drop in the middle of their length, were formed with slight convex lines. For instance, in the Parthenon the stylobate has an upward curvature towards its centre of 2.61 inches on the east and west fronts, and of 4.39 inches on the flanks. The vertical features were made so as to incline inwards in order to correct the tendency which such features have: they appear to fall outwards at the top.

Thus, in the Parthenon the axes of the outer columns incline inwards 2.65 inches, and would meet if produced at a distance of a mile above ground. The faces of the architrave were also given an inward inclination. The shafts usually have an entasis which, in the case of the Parthenon column, amounts to about three-quarters of an inch in a height of 34 feet.

The angle columns were increased in thickness as it was found that seen against the sky owing to irradiation they would appear thinner than those seen against the darker background formed by the cella wall. Sculpture and carving of the highest class completed the effectiveness of their most important buildings, and these were influenced very largely by the hard, fine-grained marble employed, which rendered possible the gentle adjustment and refined treatment characteristic of this period. The Greeks developed the so-called “Orders of Architecture” and used the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian.

To these, in later times, the Romans added the Tuscan and Composite. An “order” in Greek and Roman architecture consists of the column or support, including base and capital, and the entablature, or part supported. The latter is divided into the architrave or lowest portion; the frieze, or middle member, and the cornice or uppermost part. The proportions of these parts vary in the different orders, as do the mouldings and decorations applied.

Thomas Edison İngilizce Biyografisi

Edison, Thomas Alva (1847-1931), was an American inventor, scientist, and businessman, famously known for his invention of the phonograph and the motion picture camera, and for the creation of such companies as General Electric. Holding over 1,000 patents, he is considered one of the most prolific inventors in history.

Thomas Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, on February 11, 1847, to father Samuel Ogden Edison, Jr. and mother Nancy Matthews Elliott. He was their seventh and last child, with brothers William Pitt, Carlisle, and Samuel Ogden, and sisters, Marion Wallace, Eliza, and Harriett Ann.

Edison became a telegraph operator and relocated to Stratford Junction, Ontario. When he turned 19 years old, Edison moved to Louisville, Kentucky, where he worked for Western Union. Working as a telegraph operator is what ultimately introduced Edison to technology and electricity and this can be seen as paramount event that began his life long invention of new technologies.

Leonardo da Vinci İngilizce Biyografi

da Vinci, Leonardo (1452-1519), was an Italian Renaissance artist and inventor, whose genius is said to embody the Renaissance ideal. da Vinci is most famously known as a painter, with  such works as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, as well as his drawing of the Vitruvian Man. As an inventor he conceptualised such things as the helicopter and a calculator, however very few of his designs were ever constructed.
Lionardo di ser Piero da Vinci was born in Vinci, Italy, on April 15, 1452, to father Messer Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci, a Florentine legal notary, and Caterina, a peasant girl.

Leonardo spent his first five years living with his mother in the hamlet of Anchiano, before moving to Vinci to live with his father. Little is known about Leonardo's early education, but he did receive an informal education in Latin, geometry and mathematics.

At the age of fourteen, Leonardo was apprenticed to the renowned Florentine painter, Andrea di Cione, known as Verrocchio. By the time he was 20 years old, Leonardo qualified as a master in the Guild of St Luke.

Leonardo received his first two independent commissions when he was 24 years old. The first was to paint an altarpiece for the Chapel of St Bernard in the Palazzo Vecchio, and second was for his work, The Adoration of the Magi, commissioned for the Monks of San Donato a Scopeto. However Leonardo did not finish either painting.

When Leonardo was thirty years old, he created a silver lyre in the shape of a horse's head. Upon seeing it, Lorenzo de' Medici, the ruler of the Florentine Republic, sent Leonardo to Milan to offer it as a gift to Ludovico il Moro, Duke of Milan, in the hopes to secure peace between the two states.

Leonardo worked in Milan until the start of the Second Italian War, when he fled to Venice. It was his time spent in Milan, where arguably, some of his greatest works where created.

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci passed away on May 2, 1519, at the age of 67, at  Clos Lucé in Amboise, France. His remains are buried in the Monastery of St. Florentine in Amboise, France.

Isaac Newton İngilizce Biyografisi

Newton, Sir Isaac (1642 -1727), was a physicist and mathematician who is the most well-known scientist for the Theory of Universal Gravitation, his theories in optics and his Laws of Motion.  His work with calculus was also well-recognized.

Isaac Newton was born prematurely on December 25, 1642; three months after his father (Isaac Newton) had passed away. When he was three, his mother, Hannah Ayscough, married Barnabas Smith (a Christian minister) and moved to the next village.

When he was 5 years old, his mother gave birth to his step-sister, Mary Smith.  In 1651 his mother gave birth to his step-brother, Benjamin Smith and in 1652, gave birth to another step-sister, Hannah Smith Pilkington. Newton was raised by his grandmother until his mother came back to Woolsthorpe, bringing with her three younger children.

1n 1654 Newton went to Grantham to attend grammar school. He lived with the local apothecary, and it was here that he became interested in chemicals.

He returned to the family when he turned seventeen as he had been expected to run the farm, but found no success as a farmer.

Isaac Newton entered Trinity College at Cambridge in 1661 and for the first three years waited on tables and cleaned rooms of wealthier students and the faculty to pay his tuition. When elected a scholar in 1664, he was guaranteed financial support for four years. The school closed in the summer of 1665 because of the plague that was spreading through Europe and Newton went home for the two years where he devoted his time studying physics and mathematics. He later claimed that it was during this time that he was able to first understand gravity.
Newton never married and was very generous with his nieces and nephews.

In his later years Newton suffered recurring bladder stones and there was some evidence to suggest he suffered mercury poisoning from his alchemical experiments. In his last days of life he was immobile in bed and he defied the church refusing last rites when he passed away on March 31, 1727. After he was buried, his body was exhumed so he could be in a more prominent location in Westminster Abbey. During the exhumation process it was discovered that his body contained large quantities of mercury.

Several of Newton’s writings were published after his death, including:
1728: The Systems of the World
1728: The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended
1773: Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St John
1733: The first draft of Principia, Book III

Albert Einstein İngilizce Biyografisi

Einstein, Albert (1879-1955), was the most important physicist of the 1900's and one of the greatest and most famous scientists of all time. He was a theoretical physicist as well as a scientist who developed theories dealing with matter and energy. Einstein was highly-regarded by his peers because his theories solved fundamental problems and presented new ideas. Much of his fame came from the fact that several of his theories were strange to mainstream thinking and hard to understand—but thinking outside of the box proved true.

On March 14, 1879, Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany to Hermann (1847-1902) and Pauline Einstein (1858-1920 née Koch). In addition to Albert, the Einstein’s had a daughter named Maja (1881-1951).

When Einstein was young, his parents moved from Ulm to Munich. Albert's father was an entrepreneur in manufacturing electrical parts and owned his own business. As a child, Einstein was not interested in sports. He was focused on reading, jigsaw works, doing puzzles, and building items. According to his sister’s contribution to his official biography, at about 10 years of age, Einstein liked building a house made of playing cards and was able to build a 14 story high house of cards. His favourite pastimes included playing the piano and the violin.

Albert Einstein attended a Catholic elementary school in Munich from 1885 to 1888. He them attended Luitpold Gymnasium in Munich from 1888 to 1894.  He left this grammar school before completing his exams in 1894 because his father’s business failed and the family moved to Italy. In 1895 Einstein failed an exam that impeded his goal to study at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. He ended up attending Cantonal School (business department) in Aarau, Switzerland from 1895 to 1896.  Einstein then attended the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland for four years. He completed his education in Switzerland at Zurich University and in 1905 earned his doctor’s degree

At the age of 76, Albert Einstein passed away in a Princeton, New Jersey hospital at 1:15 am on April 18, 1955. He had an aneurysm that burst and passed away due to internal bleeding.  Without permission, Dr. Thomas S. Harvey performed an autopsy shortly after Einstein’s death.  Once the next of kin were notified of this autopsy, they gave permission to have Einstein’s brain removed and scientifically studied.

Albert Einstein’s final wishes were carried out; he was cremated the same day he passed away. His ashes were scattered at an unknown location after a simple farewell ceremony.

Lady Gaga İngilizce Biyografisi

Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta was born on March 28, 1986 in Yonkers, New York, to Cynthia and Joseph Germanotta. Germanotta, now known as Lady Gaga (she has attributed the inspiration for her name to the Queen song "Radio Ga-Ga"), went on to become an international pop star.

Gaga learned to play the piano by the age of 4. At the age of 11, she was accepted to the Juilliard School in Manhattan, but instead attended a private Catholic school in the city. She continued studying music and performing, writing her first piano ballad at the age of 13, and she held her first performance in a New York nightclub at the age of 14.

A few years later, Gaga was granted early admission to New York University's Tisch School of the Arts-she was one of only 20 students in the world to receive the honor of early acceptance. While there, she studied music and worked on her songwriting skills. She later withdrew from school to find creative inspiration. To make ends meet, she took three jobs, including a stint as a gogo dancer, while she honed her performance-art act.


In 2005, Lady Gaga was briefly signed by Def Jam Records, but was dropped just months later. Being dropped by the label propelled the singer to perform on her own in clubs and venues on New York City's Lower East Side. There, she collaborated with several rock bands, and began her experimentation with fashion.

In 2007, at the age of 20, Gaga began work at Interscope Records as a songwriter for other artists on the label, including Britney Spears, New Kids on the Block, and The Pussycat Dolls. R&B singer Akon discovered Gaga while she was performing a burlesque show that she created, called "Lady Gaga and the Starlight Revue." Impressed, Akon signed the performer to his label under the Interscope umbrella, Kon Live. Through 2007 and 2008, Gaga wrote and recorded her debut album, The Fame. The record was received positive reviews and popular success in the United States. With the help of her own creative team, "Haus of Gaga," the performer also began to make a name for herself internationally.

Lady Gaga's debut single, "Just Dance," was released to radio in early 2008, and received both popular and commercial acclaim. The song was then nominated for a Grammy Award (for best dance recording) in 2008. The song lost to Daft Punk's "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger," but this didn't keep Gaga from reaching No. 1 on the mainstream pop charts in January 2009. The second single off of The Fame, "Poker Face," earned Gaga even more success.

The song topped singles charts in almost every category, and in almost every country. Both songs were produced by Akon's affiliate RedOne, who co-wrote most of Lady Gaga's album.

Later in 2008, Lady Gaga opened for the newly reformed New Kids on the Block. She also collaborated with the group on the song "Big Girl Now" from New Kids on the Block's album The Block. The following year, Gaga released an album of eight songs, The Fame Monster, followed by 2011's Born This Way.

Ayasofya'da yatan Venedik Dükası kimdir?

Enrico Dandolo

Enrico Dandolo, Körlüğü, dindarlığı, uzun yaşamı ve açgözlü zekâsı ile hatırlanır. Ayrıca 90 yaşında Dördüncü Haçlı Seferi'nin Bizans İmparatorluğu'na yöneltilip Konstantinopolis'in Bizanslılardan alınarak Latinler tarafından yağmalanması ile sonuçlanan olaylar dizisi konusunda kötü bir ünü vardır.
Mayıs 1205'de Konstantinopolis'de öldükten sonra Ayasofya'nın üst galerisine gömülmüştür. Osmanlıların İstanbul'u fethinden sonra mezar yıkılmış, ancak mezar taşı sonradan keşfedilmiştir

Ayasofya'da yatan Venedik Dükası Enrico Dandolo'dur.

İlker Kaleli İngilizce Biyografi

İlker Kaleli was born in Istanbul on 11 May 1984. He is a graduate of Istanbul Kültür University Art Management. He studied acting at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art acting school. At the age of 16 he played coca cola commercial.
During his training, he also received acting classes in the Studio Players' group of Şahika Tekand. He played in the series in the film named Son, Kayıp Şehir and Kayıp. In 2014 he appeared in the film Silsile.

Nowadays, he revives the character of Ahmet Karayel on Poyraz Karayel line. He lives in love with Terzioğlu Burçin, whom he met during his career.

Work Ne Demek?


  • İş, çalışma, işyeri, görev,
  • yapıt, eser, emek
  • işleme
Çalışmak, çabalamak, iş yapmak, işlemek, işletmek,
başarılı olmak
işe yaramak,
etkili olmak,

Şimdiki: works
Sürekli: working
Geçmiş: worked
Sıfat-Fiil: worked


It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work.
Bunun niçin işe yaramayacağını sana açıklamak çok fazla zamanımı alır.

I have so much work that I will stay for one more hour.
O kadar çok işim var ki, bir saat daha kalacağım.

Kanuni Sultan Süleyman İngilizce Biyografi

I. Süleyman, Kanunî Sultan Süleyman or Muhteşem Süleyman; 6 November 1494 – 6 September 1566), commonly known as Süleyman the Magnificent in the West and "Kanuni" (the Lawgiver) in his realm, was the tenth and longest-reigning sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1520 to his death in 1566. Under his administration, the Ottoman state ruled over 20 to 30 million people.

Süleyman became a prominent monarch of 16th-century Europe, presiding over the apex of the Ottoman Empire's economic, military and political power. Süleyman personally led Ottoman armies in conquering the Christian strongholds of Belgrade and Rhodes as well as most of Hungary before his conquests were checked at the Siege of Vienna in 1529. He annexed much of the Middle East in his conflict with the Safavids and large areas of North Africa as far west as Algeria. Under his rule, the Ottoman fleet dominated the seas from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea and through the Persian Gulf.

At the helm of an expanding empire, Süleyman personally instituted major legislative changes relating to society, education, taxation and criminal law. His reforms, carried out in conjunction with the empire's chief judicial official Ebussuud Efendi, harmonized the relationship between the two forms of Ottoman law; sultanic (Kanun) and religious (Sharia). He was a distinguished poet and goldsmith; he also became a great patron of culture, overseeing the "Golden" age of the Ottoman Empire in its artistic, literary and architectural development.

Breaking with Ottoman tradition, Süleyman married Hürrem Sultan, a woman from his harem, a Christian of Rusyn origin who converted to Islam, and who became famous in the West by the name Roxelana. Their son Selim II succeeded Süleyman following his death in 1566 after 46 years of rule. Süleyman's previous heirs apparent Mehmed and Mustafa had died, the former from smallpox and the latter had been strangled to death 13 years previously at the sultan's order. His other son Bayezid was executed in 1561 on Süleyman's orders, along with his four sons, after a rebellion. Although scholars no longer believe that the empire declined after his death, the end of Suleiman's reign is still frequently characterized as a watershed in Ottoman history. In the decades after Süleyman, the empire began to experience significant political, institutional, and economic changes, in a period often referred to as the Transformation of the Ottoman Empire.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk İngilizce Biyografi


Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (19 May 1881  – 10 November 1938) was a Turkish army officer, revolutionary, and founder of the Republic of Turkey, serving as its first President from 1923 until his death in 1938. His surname, Atatürk (meaning "Father of the Turks"), was granted to him in 1934 and forbidden to any other person by the Turkish parliament.

Atatürk was a career military officer in the Ottoman Empire, rising to the rank of general during World War I. Following the Empire's defeat and subsequent dissolution, he led the Turkish National Movement in the Turkish War of Independence. Having established a provisional government in Ankara, he defeated the forces sent by the Allies, eventually leading to victory in the Turkish War of Independence. Atatürk then embarked upon a program of political, economic, and cultural reforms, seeking to transform the former Ottoman Empire into a modern and secular nation-state. Under his leadership, thousands of new schools were built, primary education was made free and compulsory, and women were given equal civil and political rights, while the burden of taxation on peasants was reduced. His government also carried out an extensive policy of Turkification. The principles of Atatürk's reforms, upon which modern Turkey was established, are referred to as Kemalism. His achievements in Turkey are an enduring monument to Atatürk.

II. Abdülhamid İngilizce Biyografi

 Abdul Hamid II 21 September 1842 – 10 February 1918) was the 34th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and the last Sultan to exert effective autocratic control over the fracturing state. He oversaw a period of decline in the power and extent of the Ottoman Empire, including widespread pogroms and government-sanctioned massacres of Armenians and Bulgarians, as well as an assassination attempt, ruling from 31 August 1876 until he was deposed shortly after the 1908 Young Turk Revolution, on 27 April 1909. In accordance with an agreement made with the republican Young Ottomans, he promulgated the first Ottoman constitution of 1876 on 23 December 1876, which was a sign of progressive thinking that marked his early rule. Soon, however, he claimed Western influence on Ottoman affairs and citing disagreements with Parliament, Abdul Hamid suspended both the short-lived constitution and Parliament in 1878 and seized absolute power, ending the first constitutional era of the Ottoman Empire. Abdul Hamid's 1909 removal from the throne was hailed by most Ottoman citizens, who welcomed the return to constitutional rule after three decades.

Despite his conservatism and despotic rule, some modernization of the Ottoman Empire occurred during Abdul Hamid's long reign, including reform of the bureaucracy, the extension of the Rumelia Railway and Anatolia Railway and the construction of the Baghdad Railway and Hejaz Railway, the establishment of a system for population registration and control over the press and the founding of the first modern law school in 1898. The most far-reaching of these reforms were in education: professional schools were established. The University of Istanbul, although shut down by Abdul Hamid himself in 1881, was reopened in 1900, and a network of secondary, primary, and military schools was extended throughout the empire. Railway and telegraph systems were developed by primarily German firms. Between 1871 and 1908, the Sublime Porte thus "reached a new degree of organizational elaboration and articulation."

Abroad, Abdul Hamid was nicknamed the Red Sultan or Abdul the Damned due to the massacres committed against minorities during his rule and use of a secret police to silence dissent and republicanism. These led to an assassination attempt in 1905, contributing to the sultan's worsening paranoia until his eventual removal from the throne.

Cengiz Han Biyografi

Born to a tribal leader between 1163 an 1167, the young Temujin was born into a turbulent period of intermittent warfare and internecine conflict. At a young age, Temujin's father was murdered by rival tribesman, this left Temujin powerless and captive to his rival tribes. However, through great skill, cunning, good fortune and tenacity, Temujin escaped and gained a reputation as a fearsome warrior and leader of men.

He gathered together a band of men who were to become very loyal. At the age of 16, he married his childhood bride Borte, whom he had great admiration for. Shortly after marriage, Borte was kidnapped but Temujin was able to call on some friends to lead a rescue operation. This was successful and although Borte was found to be with child, Temujin would bring up the child as if it was his. In 1206 a council of Moghul tribesmen met to declare Temujin as 'Genghis Khan - meaning 'Oceanic Ruler of the Universe.' With the backing of the three strongest tribes, Genghis Khan was able to unify the various Mongol tribes into one of the most impressive war machines ever assembled. It was this loyalty and unity that was so rare in that era. Genghis Khan had tremendous ambition to conquer and plunder loot. He first turned his attention to the powerful Chinese empire. 

He was successful in capturing their city and gaining the obeisance of the Chinese. This allowed him to turn his attentions to the West and Genghis Khan led his Mongol armies west - deep into the heart of Europe - spreading fear and destruction. Genghis Khan did not just look to kill people, he was mainly interested in conquering and gaining wealth. He could accept the surrender of a defeated enemy and often used consummate skill to avoid conflict merely through emissaries who would spread tales of fear and the impending force of Genghis Khan's war machine. 

 Genghis Khan could show great loyalty to those who were loyal to him, and equally he could turn on those he considered to be disloyal or resisted. For example, his three year campaign in Khwarazm was particularly brutal as he took revenge on civilians in the area. Genghis Khan also encouraged trade and commerce within his realm. He forbade his troops to attack merchants and through his control of the main trading routes, trade and culture flourished as people could travel within the Monghul Empire stretching from China in the East to the Black Sea in the East. Genghis Khan was also tolerant of religions and exempted priests from paying tax. 

 Ironically, he died after falling from a horse in 1226. It is estimated that 8% of Asians can have their DNA traced back to Genghis Khan. His grandson Kublai Khan completed the conquest of China, but after his death, the Monghul empire started to break up amongst different factions."

Donald Trump İngilizce Biyografi

Born in New York city on the 14th of June 1946, Donald John Trump knew from an early age what he wanted to become and later went on to become that dream. Working for his father Fred Trump in his real estate business, and studying finance at University Donald perfected his business skills and abilities to realize a good deal when it presented itself. He has often been quoted saying "My father was my mentor, and I learned a tremendous amount about every aspect of the construction industry from him."

After working with his father for five years in Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn, New York, where they made many profitable deals, Donald decided to make the Manhattan real estate market his next goal and later did so with great success. With his father Fred often stating "some of my best deals were made by Donald, everything he touches turns to gold" Donald had only a small bank balance, but the confidence and negotiating skills to become a member of an exclusive Manhattan club, which ordinarily would not have allowed a regular Joe.

Rather than sailing and polo Donald used his new member status to make contacts within the industry, which set him on his way to building his wealth and status. Trump became one of the best known businessmen of the 80's and 90's with his real estate portfolio including: Trump Tower, the Plaza Hotel, Trump Parc, Atlantic City Casino, and the new jersey generals, while also venturing into transportation with Trump Shuttle airline.

Nick named "The Donald" he ran for presidency in 2000 but later revealed in "The Art of the Comeback" that he didn't have what it takes to become president. Trump has also made himself a successful television career, being affiliated with shows such as the Miss Universe Pageant, the Nanny, Roseanne, Suddenly Susan, the Fresh Prince of BelAir, the Job and Spin City. In early 2004 Trump Stared in the reality television show "the Apprentice" which quickly became the most popular show in that year breaking many ratings records, which resulted in Trump signing on for another season.

He often went against economic principals of lowering prices to meet competitors, instead often raising prices, which often proved successful. During 1990 Trump was forced into bankruptcy over $2 billion worth of loans that he could no longer afford to pay. Although losing most of his holdings, by the end of that same year he made a return and wrote about it in his book "The Art of the Comeback".

Donald Trump has been well known as a womanizer regularly being seen with different women. He divorced Ivana Trump in 1990, then Marla Maples 1999, he has 3 children from his first marriage and 1 from the second.

Donald J. Trump is the definition of a success story, continually setting new standards while expanding his interests in real estate, sports, gaming and entertainment. He is the classic businessman - a deal-maker without equal and a passionate philanthropist."