Albert Einstein İngilizce Biyografisi

Einstein, Albert (1879-1955), was the most important physicist of the 1900's and one of the greatest and most famous scientists of all time. He was a theoretical physicist as well as a scientist who developed theories dealing with matter and energy. Einstein was highly-regarded by his peers because his theories solved fundamental problems and presented new ideas. Much of his fame came from the fact that several of his theories were strange to mainstream thinking and hard to understand—but thinking outside of the box proved true.

On March 14, 1879, Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany to Hermann (1847-1902) and Pauline Einstein (1858-1920 née Koch). In addition to Albert, the Einstein’s had a daughter named Maja (1881-1951).

When Einstein was young, his parents moved from Ulm to Munich. Albert's father was an entrepreneur in manufacturing electrical parts and owned his own business. As a child, Einstein was not interested in sports. He was focused on reading, jigsaw works, doing puzzles, and building items. According to his sister’s contribution to his official biography, at about 10 years of age, Einstein liked building a house made of playing cards and was able to build a 14 story high house of cards. His favourite pastimes included playing the piano and the violin.

Albert Einstein attended a Catholic elementary school in Munich from 1885 to 1888. He them attended Luitpold Gymnasium in Munich from 1888 to 1894.  He left this grammar school before completing his exams in 1894 because his father’s business failed and the family moved to Italy. In 1895 Einstein failed an exam that impeded his goal to study at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. He ended up attending Cantonal School (business department) in Aarau, Switzerland from 1895 to 1896.  Einstein then attended the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland for four years. He completed his education in Switzerland at Zurich University and in 1905 earned his doctor’s degree

At the age of 76, Albert Einstein passed away in a Princeton, New Jersey hospital at 1:15 am on April 18, 1955. He had an aneurysm that burst and passed away due to internal bleeding.  Without permission, Dr. Thomas S. Harvey performed an autopsy shortly after Einstein’s death.  Once the next of kin were notified of this autopsy, they gave permission to have Einstein’s brain removed and scientifically studied.

Albert Einstein’s final wishes were carried out; he was cremated the same day he passed away. His ashes were scattered at an unknown location after a simple farewell ceremony.

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