Istiklal Caddesi Tanıtımı

<İstiklal Street is in Beyoğlu. Beyoğlu is one of the oldest districts of İstanbul. İstiklal Street is between the tunnel and the Taksim square. I think Beyoğlu especially İstiklal Street is a very beautiful place.

İstiklal Street one of the most famous streets in Turkey. It is always crowded. The tourists always visit. There are a lot of places of entertainment. There are a lot of pessages. There are numerous bars, clubs and discosi churchs. There is a Galatasaray High School. İstiklal Street is very cheap especially in the fashion. Usually people do protests at the weekends. There are a lot of restaurants and nine different neighbourhoods.  İstiklal Street length is 1.40 km.

Beyoğlu is a very good district. when you go there especially in summer, you are going to come there next year because İstiklal Street has a diffrent culture and people. Istiklal street is indispensable for people. I think Everyone should be visit Beyoğlu and İstiklal Street because  there is a diffrent life.   ( 80-120 words)

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