Adolf Hitler Biyografi

Adolf Hitler was born in Branau am Inn, Australia , on April 20 1889. He rose to power German politics as leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, also known as the Nazy Party. 1933 by the chancellor of Germany and the German head of state until his death in 1934. He was other than the identity of the politician was  a painter, writer and soldier.

Çocukluğu ve gençlik yılları 

He first collection of the native village, secondary education was in Linz. Thirteen-year-old he was lost his father of tuberculosis, the eighteen-year-old, he was lost his mother. When he had finished secondary education failed,  in the hope of become a painter entered the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts exam, but failed exam. 

Askerlik ve İşçi Partisi Dönemi

Adolf Hitler came from Vienna to Munich in 1912. In 1914, the first When World War I, Hitler entered the Bavarian army as a volunteer. After defeating the Germans, he joined the German Workers Party and as soon as possible , he became the head of the party. In 1924, he attempts to overthrow the government, but did not succeed so he  sentenced to 10 months in prison. Adolf Hitler was elected has obtained the right to amend the constitution as soon as possible. Just then the other parties were banned. Major highways across the country have been built. 

Savaş dönemi

Western European countries and Russia were against. This is the width of the front II. Was the most important factor in determining the outcome of World War II. As a result of the war saw the defeat of Germany on April 30, 1945 in Berlin, Adolf Hitler, to increase well despair at the same time his wife, Eva Braun and drank cyanide pill, first Eva Braun then committed suicide by shooting himself through a gun.


Gasoline and burned the bodies of the garden of his own free will Fuhrerbunker. Hitler's reason for wanting it is claimed that the Soviet army did not want to be caught by the display.


Germany as a poison which is dangerous for all nations never ought to insist on pursuing the Jews and Bolshevism. Will determine the future of Germany's undisputed in this case. Hitler was right to enter the war and the defeat defending generals blamed cowardly liar. In private his will, has collected all his life wanted to establish a museum of art in Linz native town. All personal possessions left the state party said that the party is not needed anymore.