The Advantages of a Microwave Oven

Engineers and inventors develop new products that affect our everyday lives. One product that was developed and has become popular in the last twenty years is the microwave oven. Microwave ovens now appear in new homes, old homes, businesses, restaurants, and even on boats. Indeed, they are everywhere. It has made our busy lives easier due to its speed and convenience.

      The most important advantage of the microwave is speed. Food can be heated up or cooked faster than on the burner or in the oven. Moreover, frozen food takes six to ten minutes to cook an o burner. In the microwave, it only takes two minutes. That is, it only takes one third the time. This advantage of speed is important in our daily lives. Students can prepare meals more quickly and have more time to study. In addition, because most parents work, they do not have much time to spend preparing dinner for their families. Now, when the children come home from school or the adults come home from their jobs, an entire dinner can be fixed in a very short time with the help of the microwave.

     The second advantage of the microwave is convenience. The microwave is really easy to use and prevents burning your cooking pots. For example,  when a student heats rice that he has cooked before, he

sometimes burns the pot. This is because he forgets while he is doing something else like studying. He suddenly smells something burning. Another example is heating milk. No matter how careful you are the small pot will burn when you heat milk. I like coffee made with milk. If you have a microwave, you kust put your coffee mug of coffee into the microwave. You push a couple of buttons and you have boiling milk in a couple of minutes. Just add your coffee!
    To sum up/All in all/Briefly speed and convenience have made the microwave and important appliance in homes, offices and even some restaurants. In my opinion  the microwave oven is one invention that has quickly

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